Nous donnons une voix à la profession RH en Belgique.

La seule association RH indépendente est membre de EAPM, la "European Association for People Management"


About the Program

One of our greatest assets in the field of human resources is the next generation of HR leaders. As we undergo significant changes in our society and prepare for a new world of work in the information age, there is no better time to start focusing on how we lead the next generation through these uncertain times. is dedicated to developing this next generation of HR leaders in Belgium.  As part of this ambition, we are launching the HRPro Mentor Program. 

This program allows the young HR professional to learn from the best in the HR profession in order to personalize professional development, gain an outside perspective to work-related challenges, and target areas for career development and professional growth. This program will be part of a larger effort conducted by, to promote HR not just as a function but as a fundamental step in any career in general and in leadership development in particular. 

Discover the full program folder here!

Who can participate? 


  • have a minimum of 2 years professional experience in HR or switching to HR from another role.  
  • work in Belgium in public or (non-)profit sector.

Apply as mentee? Would you like more information before applying?
Please do not hesitate to get in touch:


  • have an experience in one or more HR functions or businesses over the last five years and have a sound vision about HR.
  • Senior leadership or equivalent experience is a plus. 
  • have experience with mentoring/coaching or equivalent experience with managing large HR teams 
  • are willing to continue training and share their competences/experiences with other mentors. 
  • work in Belgium in public or (non-)profit sector
  • Mentor and mentee should come from different organisations and not be in a hierarchical relationship to each other. 

Apply as mentor by filling out the following form here.

Would you like more information before applying?
Please do not hesitate to get in touch: