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The Importance of a Strong Employer Brand - From the FEDERGON conference

HRPro was visibility partner at the FEDERGON conference on January 31. This blog gives an impression of one of the keynotes that was held by Marthe Rys.

The Importance of a Strong Employer Brand

The shortage in the labor market requires companies to make extra efforts to safeguard the inflow and retention of talent. Having a strong employer brand, both internally and externally in the organization is indispensable, especially in these times of a "war for talent". Also for working students, an employer brand can be the ideal way to get this young public excited about choosing your organization as an employer at a later date.

The External Employer Brand  

It is important for an employer to be top of mind with job seekers. With so many job openings, the employer brand ensures that your organization is considered an employer of choice. As an organization, it is more critical than ever to highlight your attractive factors and show how your organization can stand out from the competition. According to Marthe Rys (UGent), an employer brand with a personal approach is essential to attract talent. For example, you can attract IT profiles by having them unravel a Java script, after which they can access the job posting.

The Internal Employer Brand 

Many people think of the external employer brand when they hear "employer branding." But an organization is only credible if the internal experience of the organization is coherent with what is told in the external world. Indeed, an incongruity between internal and external employer brands can mean dissatisfaction and may lead to turnover. A consistent employer brand should be anchored in all HR facets: from management style to recruitment and selection.

Start Early

Even students are already an ideal target group to reach with your employer brand. By capitalizing on this and offering opportunities for job students organizations get an early buy-in. "A student who starts working in a company is actually already making a commitment to the employer”, says Eveline Schollaert (UGent). It's a great starting point for hiring talent permanently afterward by being top of mind with students when they eventually have to look for a job. 


Schollaert, E. (2023). Employer branding op maat van de jobstudent. HRSquare, (214), 48-49.

Rys, M. (2023, 31 januari). Employer branding wetenschappelijk onderbouwd. [Presentation Slides]. Federgon.

Picture by Photo by Clive Kim:


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